Japanese Section, ILA, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Researchers, Academic Staff,
研究員、 アカデミックスタッフ
Researchers, Academic Staff

The researchers and international faculty staffs can join these Japanese classes. But, please note, the priority is given to the students. The researchers and faculty staffs can be registered to the class as long as the number of the students of the class is lower than the limit (around 18 students). IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A ID NUMBER AT Tokyo Tech
The visiting researchers and Academic staff who do not have ID number at this university can also learn Japanese in our classes. Please send an e-mail to with subject “ID request” with the following information in the body text. “Your name, staff number, laboratory name, status in Tokyo Tech, planned period in Tokyo Tech”
The address below. We will issue you ID number for the Japanese classes. This number is valid only for learning Japanese in Tokyo tech. Send e-mail to system@js.ila.titech.ac.jp
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東京工業大学の研究員・教員等も日本語クラスに登録することができます。研究員・教員等で東工大の学生IDを持っていない場合は、以下の情報を書いて,申し込んでください。 このID番号は日本語学習の時のみ有効です 件名 [ID request]、名前・職員番号・東工大での身分・所属研究室・東工大の滞在予定期間を書いて連絡してください。 system@js.ila.titech.ac.jp
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