Japanese Section, ILA

[Japanese] [English]

2024 1Q/2Q Course list and descriptions

Related information:

1. Language levels and courses
Level Regular courses Specific skill / Japanese culture courses CEFR JLPT
B1, B2
Basic Japanese 1/2
(2 classes/week)
Japanese culture 1: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture - -
B3, B4
Basic Japanese 3/4
(2 classes/week)
Japanese conversation: Pre-intermediate 1/2 (only for B4)
Japanese kanji: Basic 1/2/3/4
Japanese culture 2: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture
A1/A2 N5/N4
I1, I2
Intermediate Japanese 1/2 Japanese conversation: Pre-intermediate 1/2
Japanese conversation: Intermediate 1/2 (Suspended)
Japanese kanji: Basic 1/2/3/4
Japanese kanji: Intermediate 1/2
Japanese culture 2: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture
A2+ N4/N3
I3, I4
Intermediate Japanese 3/4 Japanese conversation: Intermediate 3/4
Japanese kanji: Intermediate 1/2/3/4 (Suspended 3/4 for this semester)
B1 N3
I5, I6
Intermediate Japanese 5/6 Japanese seminar 3/4/5/6,9/10 B1+/B2 N3/N2
I7, I8
Intermediate Japanese 7/8 Japanese seminar 1~10 B2 N2
- Japanese seminar 1/2, 7/8/9/10
Japanese culture 3/4 : Multi-cultural collaboration
B2+ N2
*It takes two quarters (approximately four months) to finish one language level

2. Course descriptions
Regular courses
stands for ”Face-to-face”, and classes will be conducted face-to-face in the classroom.
Course No. Level Course Title Course description and aims Textbook
LAJ.J411 B1 Basic Japanese 1

This course is aimed at first-time learners of the Japanese language (Beginner 1). Students will learn:
- the basic of Japanese grammar and vocabulary for everyday situations;
- information about Japanese culture and society.
Students will also learn Japanese characters, Hiragana and Katakana. Through a variety of communicative activities, students will be able to communicate in ordinary conversation, and will learn how to express their own ideas using basic Japanese.
Basic Japanese for Students Hakase1 (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883194056)
LAJ.J412 B2 Basic Japanese 2

This course is for beginning learners (Beginner 2) of the Japanese language. Students will learn the basic of Japanese grammar and vocabulary for everyday situations. Students will also learn how to write Japanese sentences using Hiragana and Katakana. Through a variety of communicative activities, students will be able to communicate in ordinary conversation, and will learn how to express their own ideas using basic Japanese. Basic Japanese for Students Hakase2 (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883194063)
LAJ.J413 B3 Basic Japanese 3

This course is aimed at beginning learners (Beginner 3) who have studied the Japanese language for about 6 months. Students will learn the latter stage of basic Japanese grammar and vocabulary. This course focuses on acquiring natural Japanese depending on the situation, and a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and the Japanese society through language learning. In addition to speaking and listening exercises, students will work on reading and writing. Through a variety of communicative activities, students will be able to communicate in a more natural way, and will learn how to express their own ideas using Japanese.
日本語初級2大地 メインテキスト
Elementary Japanese (2) Daichi Main text (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883195077)

日本語初級2大地 文型説明と翻訳 英語版
Elementary Japanese (2) Daichi: Translation of Main Text and Grammar Notes (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883195213)
LAJ.J414 B4 Basic Japanese 4

This course is aimed at beginning learners (Beginner 4) who have studied the Japanese language for about 6 months. Students will learn the latter stage of basic Japanese grammar and vocabulary. This course focuses on acquiring natural Japanese depending on the situation, and a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and the Japanese society through language learning. In addition to speaking and listening exercises, students will work on reading and writing. Through a variety of communicative activities, students will be able to communicate in a more natural way, and will learn how to express their own ideas using Japanese. 日本語初級2大地 メインテキスト
Elementary Japanese (2) Daichi Main text (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883195077)

日本語初級2大地 文型説明と翻訳 英語版
Elementary Japanese (2) Daichi: Translation of Main Text and Grammar Notes (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883195213)
LAJ.J421 I1 Intermediate Japanese 1

This course is for students who have already completed the beginner's level. The four-skill exercises will be conducted based on topics. The course will further introduce more pre-intermediate level vocabulary and sentence patterns. The course will help students acquire practical Japanese skills through task-oriented exercises.
中級へ行こう 日本語の文型と表現55 第2版
Chuu kyuu e ikoo (3A Corporation: ISBN 9784883197286)
LAJ.J422 I2 Intermediate Japanese 2

This course is for students who have already completed the beginner's level. The four-skill exercises will be conducted based on topics. The course will further introduce more pre-intermediate level vocabulary and sentence patterns. The course will help students acquire practical Japanese skills through task-oriented exercises. 中級へ行こう 日本語の文型と表現55 第2版
Chuu kyuu e ikoo (3A Corporation: ISBN 9784883197286)
LAJ.J423 I3 Intermediate Japanese 3

This course is for students who have already completed the Intermediate Japanese 1 and 2 levels. The four-skill exercises will be conducted based on topics.
中級を学ぼう 日本語の文型と表現56 中級前期 第2版
Chukyu o manabou (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883197880)
LAJ.J424 I4 Intermediate Japanese 4

This course is for students who have already completed the intermediate 3 level. The four-skill exercises will be conducted based on topics. 中級を学ぼう 日本語の文型と表現56 中級前期 第2版
Chukyu o manabou (3A corporation: ISBN 9784883197880)
LAJ.J511 I5 Intermediate Japanese 5

This course is for students who have JLPT_N3 level proficiency and further wish to proceed to JLPT_N2 level. Reading practices on various kinds of materials will be conducted to help students acquire skills for effective reading. Students are expected to select their own materials, and share the content with other students both orally and in writing through various oral / composition practices.
日本語学習者のための 読解厳選テーマ10[中級]
(BONJINSHA Inc.: 9784893589132)
LAJ.J512 I6 Intermediate Japanese 6

This course is for students who have JLPT_N3 level proficiency and further wish to proceed to JLPT_N2 level. Reading practices on various kinds of materials will be conducted to help students acquire skills for effective reading. Students are expected to select their own materials, and share the content with other students both orally and in writing through various oral / composition practices. It is desirable to have taken Intermediate Japanese 5. 日本語学習者のための 読解厳選テーマ10[中級]
(BONJINSHA Inc.: 9784893589132)
LAJ.J513 I7 Intermediate Japanese 7

This course is for students who have completed Intermediate Japanese 5/6 or have JLPT N2 level, and students are expected to:
1) read texts on various topics (texts should be longer and more difficult compared with those of Intermediate level);
2) make a research on subjects of their interest, and summarize and present the content and opinions in clear and understandable terms (e.g. presentations);
3) develop vocabulary and expressions to write sentences using correct sentence patterns; write long sentences along with the theme while paying attention to the whole structure;
The aim of this course is to help students acquire comprehensive Japanese skills at the upper-Intermediate / Advanced level.
日本語学習者のための 読解厳選テーマ10[中上級]改訂第2版
(BONJINSHA Inc.: 9784867460153)
LAJ.J514 I8 Intermediate Japanese 8

This course is for students who have completed Intermediate Japanese 5/6 or have JLPT N2 level, and students are expected to:
1) read texts on various topics (texts should be longer and more difficult compared with those of Intermediate level);
2) make a research on subjects of their interest, and summarize and present the content and opinions in clear and understandable terms (e.g. presentations);
3) develop vocabulary and expressions to write sentences using correct sentence patterns; write long sentences along with the theme while paying attention to the whole structure;
The aim of this course is to help students acquire comprehensive Japanese skills at the upper-Intermediate / Advanced level.
日本語学習者のための 読解厳選テーマ10[中上級]改訂第2版
(BONJINSHA Inc.: 9784867460153)

Specific skill courses and Japanese culture courses
stands for ”Face-to-face”, and classes will be conducted face-to-face in the classroom.
: Out of 7 classes, 2 classes will be conducted online while the remaining 5 will be conducted face-to-face in the classroom.
Course No. Level Course Title Course description and aims Textbook
B1, B2 level
LAJ.T501 B1~B2 Japanese culture 1: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture

We will learn Japanese culture areas through language, arts, music, and several plays of children. We will discuss some uniqueness of Japanese culture from the viewpoint of international students. By means of culture study, we will learn the introduction of the Japanese language as well.
Not specified
B3, B4 level
LAJ.T415 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 1
This course is aimed at students who have studied Japanese before (e.g. half-year basic level study with knowledge of 50-100 kanji) to acquire basic knowledge of Kanji (shape, pronunciation, meaning and combination), and to further acquire basic knowledge of Kanji system and skills for recognizing Kanji through various class activities.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
LAJ.T416 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 2
This course is aimed at students who have finished Topic Oriented Japanese 15 / Japanese Kanji :Basic 1 (or those who have studied about 150 kanji). Students will learn basic Kanji often used for daily life and campus life. The aim of this course is to help students acquire further knowledge of Kanji system and skills for recognizing Kanji through various class activities.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
LAJ.T417 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 3
This course focuses on basic Japanese kanji, and covers the fundamentals of Japanese hiragana and kanji calligraphy.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Read and write 80 basic kanji letters;
2. Understand how to stroke with brush, and to further write Japanese kanji accordingly.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
LAJ.T418 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 4
This course focuses on basic Japanese kanji, and covers the fundamentals of Japanese calligraphy.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Read and write 160 basic kanji letters;
2. Understand how to stroke with brush, and to further write Japanese kanji accordingly.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
LAJ.T502 B3~I2 Japanese culture 2: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture

The aim of this class is to explore the difference by comparative methodology. And some uniqueness of the Japanese culture from the viewpoint of the international students will be discussed.
Not specified
LAJ.T411 B4~I2 Japanese conversation: Pre-intermediate 1 See below
LAJ.T412 B4~I2 Japanese conversation: Pre-intermediate 2 See below
I1, I2 level
LAJ.T411 B4~I2 Japanese conversation: Pre-intermediate 1
This course is for students who have completed the basic level, specifically for those who are still not confident in their Japanese when they speak with Japanese people. This course will focus on various interesting topics to be shared with the class.
Not specified
LAJ.T412 B4~I2 Japanese conversation: Pre-intermediate 2
This course is for students who have completed the basic level, specifically for those who are still not confident in their Japanese when they speak with Japanese people. This course will focus on various interesting topics to be shared with the class. Not specified
LAJ.T415 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 1 See above
LAJ.T416 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 2 See above
LAJ.T417 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 3 See above
LAJ.T418 B3~I2 Japanese kanji: Basic 4 See above
LAJ.T427 I1~I4 Japanese kanji: Intermediate 1
This course is aimed at students who have finished the study of basic level Japanese with knowledge of about 250 basic Kanji. Students will learn 250 Kanji often used for the study of lower-intermediate level Japanese language as well as for daily life and campus life including their research activities. Students will learn the pronunciation and the meaning of each Kanji and Kanji combinations, and will further expand their knowledge of Kanji system and skills for recognizing Kanji which will lead them to achieve their autonomous Kanji studying.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
LAJ.T428 I1~I4 Japanese kanji: Intermediate 2
This course is aimed at students who have finished Topic Oriented Japanese 27 / Japanese Kanji : Intermediate 1 (or those who have studied about 350 kanji). Students will learn Kanji often used for the study of lower-intermediate level Japanese courses as well as for daily life and campus life including their research activities. The course will further expand students' knowledge of Kanji system and skills for recognizing Kanji which will lead them to achieve their autonomous Kanji studying.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
LAJ.T502 B3~I2 Japanese culture 2: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture See above
I3, I4 level
LAJ.T433 I3, I4 Japanese conversation: Intermediate 3
This course is for students who have already completed Intermediate 2 level. Students will learn how to appropriately use the expressions they have learned depending on the occasion and the person they are talking to. The course will further introduce more formal words and euphemistic expressions, and will also help students acquire practical Japanese skills through task-oriented exercises.
Not specified
LAJ.T434 I3, I4 Japanese conversation: Intermediate 4
This course will help students practice how to appropriately use the expressions they have learned depending on the occasion and the person they are talking to. The course will further introduce more formal words and euphemistic expressions, and will also help students acquire practical Japanese skills through task-oriented exercises and presentations. Not specified
LAJ.T427 I1~I4 Japanese kanji: Intermediate 1 See above
LAJ.T428 I1~I4 Japanese kanji: Intermediate 2 See above
LAJ.T435 I3, I4 Japanese kanji: Intermediate 3
This course is aimed at intermediate level students who have studied about 400 kanji words. Students will learn kanji words which are:
- often used in daily life and campus life including their research activities;
- useful for the intermediate level study of Japanese as well.
Students will learn how to expand their knowledge of kanji system and skills for recognizing kanji which will lead them to achieve their autonomous Kanji studying.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
LAJ.T436 I3, I4 Japanese kanji: Intermediate 4
This course is aimed at the intermediate level students who have finished Topic Oriented Japanese 35 / Japanese Kanji: Intermediate 3 (or those who have studied about 500 kanji). Students are expected to expand their kanji vocabulary, the knowledge of kanji system and skills for recognizing kanji through reading activities using various Japanese articles. Students are also expected to achieve their autonomous kanji learning through this course.

This course is for students who do not use kanji in their first language.
Original material
I5 ~ U8 level
LAJ.T441 I7~U8 Japanese seminar 1: Oral expression
The aim of this course is to help students acquire the basic knowledge of Japanese pronunciation and the ability to present sentences containing technical terms with natural-sounding pronunciation. Online classes will be streamed live via Zoom, and the instructor will check and correct each student's pronunciation individually during the class.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) understand the basic knowledge of Japanese pronunciation;
2) write the pitch lines and accent marks on technical sentences or terms using the pronunciation dictionary and OJAD (Online Japanese Accent Dictionary);
3) present sentences marked with the pitch lines with natural-sounding pronunciation;
4) present their research with easily understandable pronunciation.

*Out of 7 classes, 2 classes will be conducted online while the remaining 5 will be conducted face-to-face in the classroom.
Not specified
LAJ.T442 I7~U8 Japanese seminar 2: Listening comprehension
This course will provide lectures and exercises on listening comprehension of the news. The aim of this course is to help students learn how to listen to the news and explain its contents. Online classes will be streamed live via Zoom, and the instructor will check each student's progress individually during the class.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) catch the keyword through listening;
2) understand the main points in each paragraph through listening;
3) explain the content of the news;

*Out of 7 classes, 2 classes will be conducted online while the remaining 5 will be conducted face-to-face in the classroom.
Not specified
LAJ.T443 I5~I8 Japanese seminar 3: Oral expression
Based on the content of the study in the Mid-intermediate and Upper-intermediate levels, students are expected to develop oral expression skills in Japanese, for such skills are necessary to build better relationships and to lead a smooth social life in Japan. In addition, students will also learn about the cultural background of Japan in order to acquire appropriate oral expressions. This class mainly deals with conversations for situations in campus life and daily life. Not specified
LAJ.T444 I5~I8 Japanese seminar 4: Oral expression
Based on the content of the study in the Mid-intermediate and Upper-intermediate levels, students are expected to develop oral expression skills in Japanese, for such skills are necessary to build better relationships and to lead a smooth social life in Japan. In addition, students will also learn about the cultural background of Japan in order to acquire appropriate oral expressions. This class mainly deals with conversations for situations in campus life and workplaces. Not specified
LAJ.T445 I5~I8 Japanese seminar 5: Writing skills
1. The aim of this course is to develop students' ability to write opinion essays and explanatory texts.
2. Group learning sessions including grammar correction will be conducted during the class.
3. Students are expected to exchange essays with other students in Japan and overseas by online activities (sakubun.org).
Not specified
LAJ.T446 I5~I8 Japanese seminar 6: Writing skills
1. The aim of this course is develop students' ability to write opinion essays and explanatory texts.
2. Group learning sessions including grammar correction will be conducted during the class.
3. Students are expected to exchange their essays with other students in Japan and overseas by online activities (sakubun.org).
4. Students are also expected to acquire the ability to write presentation slides in Japanese.
Not specified
LAJ.T447 I7~U8 Japanese seminar 7: Career development
The aim of this course is to help students learn how to gather information about job hunting in Japan. In addition, students are expected to conduct self-analysis and think about their own career path.
Online classes will be streamed live via Zoom, and the instructor will check each student's progress individually during the class.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) gather information about job hunting;
2) conduct self-analysis;
3) express their motivation for the job or the company they are applying for in Japanese;
4) draw up their curriculum vitae in Japanese.

*Out of 7 classes, 2 classes will be conducted online while the remaining 5 will be conducted face-to-face in the classroom.
Not specified
LAJ.T448 I7~U8 Japanese seminar 8: Career development
The aim of this course is to help students learn the skills required for job hunting in Japan, which are:
- how to conduct self-analysis;
- how to draw up their entry sheet properly in Japanese;
- how to express their opinions in Japanese at individual interviews and group discussions.
Online classes will be streamed live via Zoom, and the instructor will check each student's progress individually during the class.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) draw up their entry sheet properly in Japanese;
2) briefly explain their research in Japanese;
3) understand how to participate in group discussions.
4) understand the important points and tips for online and face-to-face interviews.

*Out of 7 classes, 2 classes will be conducted online while the remaining 5 will be conducted face-to-face in the classroom.
Not specified
LAJ.T449 I5~U8 Japanese seminar 9: Japanese companies and industries
The aim of this course is to help students develop the ability to gather information directly in Japanese and to present what they have researched though company analysis.
In addition, students are expected to acquire the ability to analyze Japanese companies, as well as to learn various aspects of Japanese cultures and traditions through reading and discussion.
Not specified
LAJ.T450 I5~U8 Japanese seminar 10: Japanese companies and industries
The aim of this course is to help students develop the ability to write and present logically in Japanese through composing their reasons for application.
In addition, students are expected to orally express their reasons for application, as well as to learn various aspects of Japanese cultures and traditions through reading and discussion.
Not specified
U1 ~ U8 level
LAJ.C501 U1~U8 Japanese culture 3: Multi-cultural collaboration
Through text readings and discussion, students will learn the knowledge and communication skills necessary to work smoothly in a multicultural environment.
This course examines the conflicts of international graduates of Japanese universities and Japanese employees working in a global environment.The course further examines how they try to solve such conflicts, as well as how they feel the significance of their own existence in their workplace from their respective viewpoint.
Not specified
LAJ.C502 U1~U8 Japanese culture 4: Multi-cultural collaboration
Through text readings and discussion, students will learn the current situation of exchange between Japanese students and international students, mechanisms of prejudice and stereotype formation that prevent positive contact, and conditions and theories of cross-cultural contact for prejudice reduction. Students are also exptected to deepen mutual understanding through exchange and collaborative experiences with Japanese students, and to acquire cross-cultural communication skills from cognitive, emotional, and behavioral perspectives through this course. Not specified