Japanese Section, ILA

[Japanese] [English]
Campus Life Support

 When you need help

We offer consulting on a range of issues including your studies, scholarships, housing, course administration, health insurance and personal matters.

Mail news for international students

International Student Exchange Division distributes news via email to international students of Tokyo Tech. The email contains information regarding the following, and will be distributed on an irregular basis:

  1. Functions relevant to international students both on and off campus.
  2. Exchange opportunities with Japanese and international students
  3. Disaster prevention information
  4. Any other information which international students may find useful

->> If you wish to receive these news updates, please click here!

Student Guidance Room & Information / Consultation help desk
Student Guidance Room offers you guidance and counselling for being well and maintaining a balance between your academic and personal life. We provide services in English for non-Japanese speakers. 
Your privacy is strictly kept confidential.
Student Guidance Room (Information on both campus)

Service Desks
Student Division, Student Support Division, Admission Division, International Student Exchange Division, etc,.
Service Desks (Information on both campus)

Health Care Support

Off-campus Resources
  1. Medical information net
    (Information on medical function and pharmacy function)
  2. Emergency Counseling
    Tokyo English Life Line Tel: 03-5774-0992(9:00-23:00)
  3. Community Service
  4. -Meguro International Friendship Association(MIFA)
    (Life support information, Japanese classes, Cultural exchange, and Foreign residents information desk.)