Japanese Section, ILA

[Japanese] [English]

Japanese courses for international graduate students

Japanese Language and Culture Courses are designed for international students, providing programs designated to build up Japanese communication skills and to deepen cultural understandings.

Japanese Language and Culture Courses are the authorized courses for which international graduate and exchange students can obtain credits.

As for

master's and doctoral students

, the Japanese Language and Culture Courses can be recognized as equivalent to Humanities and Social Science Courses, corresponding to 400, 500, and 600 level courses. Research students may join these courses but cannot obtain credts. Students, however, who earned a degree (undergraduate) at Tokyo Tech or other universities in Japan, as well as students who are judged to have higher Japanese abilities cannot attend the courses.

As for

undergraduate students

, please refer to the information on the following page:

Japanese courses for undergraduate students

Topics for 2024 1Q/2Q

  • Timetables for 2024: 1Q/2Q   3Q/4Q
  • Course list (syllabus and textbook of each course): Click here!
  • Tokyo Tech OCW: Click here!
  • Course levels and Credits: see below (you can see course descriptions by clicking course names)
  • Tokyo Tech Japanese Language and Culture Courses
    for Graduate Students

    Basic Pre-Inter Intermediate Pre-Advanced
    B1, B2 B3, B4 I1, I2 I3, I4 I5, I6 I7, I8 U1 ~ U8
     400Lv   400Lv   400Lv   400Lv   500Lv   500Lv 
    Basic Japanese
    Basic Japanese
    Intermediate Japanese
    Intermediate Japanese
    Intermediate Japanese
    Intermediate Japanese
    Japanese Pre-inter. 1,2
    conversation Inter. 1,2 Inter. 3,4
    Japanese Basic 1-4
    kanji Inter. 1,2
    Inter. 3,4
    Japanese seminar 3~6, 9/10 1~10 1/2, 7~10
    1: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture 2: Strategic approach to Japanese and culture 3/4: Multi-cultural collaboration
     Japanese culture and language 1, 2, 3, 4   (for registration only)    600Lv 

    Japanese Language and Culture Courses consist of three types: regular courses (Basic 1-4 and Intermediate 1-8), specific skill courses (i.e. Conversation, Kanji, Japanese seminar, etc.), and Japanese culture courses. All the Japanese courses are organized according to proficiency levels ranging from Beginner to Pre-advanced. Considering the learning efficiency, Japanese language classes are designed as small-size classes of about 20 stundents.

    Successful completion of a regular course is required to advance to the next level. You may obtain credits by taking specific skill courses and Japanese culture courses as well, however, you cannot proceed to the next level. When taking a specific skill course or Japanese culture course, you have to choose the course which corresponds to your regular course level. As for the levels of specific skill courses and Japanese culture courses, refer to the figure above.

    Note1: Students who already have high Japanese language skills cannot attend Japanese courses.
    Note2: The maximum number of specific skill courses a student can take per quarter is 2 (plus one regular class), considering the learning efficiency.
    Note3: If you finish Basic Japanese 4 with an excellent result, you may be allowed to directly proceed to Intermediate 3/4.

  • Class starting date: Apr. 8
  • Schedules to be noted:
    May. 2 (Monday classes will be held)

  • Class starting date: Jun. 10
  • Schedules to be noted:

**Please read the instructions carefully.

Japanese Class Online System ("JCOS")

is used for reserving Japanese classes: https://cuckoo.js.ila.titech.ac.jp/~yamagen/regist-h/

Web Services for Students and Faculty ("KYOMU Web System")

is used for credit registration: https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/enrolled/life/applications.html

Flow chart of procedures:

Reserve class(es) suitable for your level using JCOS
Attend the first class and get lecturers' approval
Register on the Kyomu Web System if you need credits
You need to reserve your place in the class before the first day of the class, prior to credit registration. Reservations will be processed on a "first-come-first-served basis".

  1. Create an account on “JCOS” .
  2. [Notes]
    • * Once your account on JCOS is created, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
    • * All new students including master / doctoral students, exchange students, and research students: You will be assigned with a Tokyo Tech student ID which can be used for creating your JCOS account. Students must not apply for Visitor ID.
    • * If you are assigned with a new student ID (i.e. your status at Tokyo Tech changed from a research/undergraduate student to a master student, or a master student to a doctoral candidate), you have to send a "Request for student ID change" through JCOS.
      You must not create another account using a different email address.
    • * Visitor researchers / visiting fellows: You need to have a JCOS ID so as to create an account. Send a "Request for JCOS Visitor ID" prior to reservation procedures.
    • * We recommend that you create your account with your “titech.ac.jp” email for further correspondence.
  3. If you want to check your current Japanese level, create an account on "JCOS" first, and then select the following menu from the JCOS top page :
    "Take a placement test" -> "Go to test site"
  4. Login to “JCOS”, and reserve class(es) which are suitable for your level.
  5. [Notes]
    • * If you would like to secure your place in the following quarter, you can reserve the classes for the next 2 quarters (i.e. the first/second and the third/fourth quarters).
    • * Waiting list: the number of seats is limited, and you will be put on the waiting list when the class of your choice is full. While you are on the waiting list, you cannot attend the class.
    • ** When your status is "waiting" **

      When there is a vacancy, an approval notice will be sent to the next candidate on the waiting list. Once you receive the approval notice, you may attend the class.
  6. Attend the first class you have reserved.
  7. [Notes]
    • * Do not miss the first class. If you miss the first class, your status might be changed to “waiting” so as to give a chance to the next person on the waiting list.
    • * During the first class, the class lecturer will assess your Japanese proficiency level. If your language skills are not suitable for the class you have chosen, you may be advised to change to another class that is more suitable for you, or may not be allowed to attend the class.
  8. Register on the KYOMU Web System if you wish to obtain credits.
  9. [Notes]
    • * If you are an exchange student and want the scores of Japanese courses to be included in your transcript or wish to obtain attendance certificate of Japanese courses, please make sure that you:
    • - Select "400 or 500 level" from the pull-down menu in the field of "credit" (on the reservation page of JCOS);
      - Register on the KYOMU Web System even if you DO NOT wish to obtain credits.
    • ** How to register for Japanese Culture and Language 1-4 (600-level) **

      You are required to obtain 2 credits from Humanities and social science courses to complete the doctoral degree program, and can substitute this requirement by taking Japanese language and culture courses.

      If you wish to take Japanese Culture and Language 1-4 (600-level), reserve a Japanese class that is suitable for your Japanese level in advance.
      On the reservation page of JCOS, select "600-level" from the pull-down menu of "credit".

      Once you are allowed to take the class, register for "Japanese Culture and Language 1-4 (LAJ.C601(1Q)/ LAJ.C602(2Q)/ LAJ.C603(3Q)/ LAJ.C604(4Q) )" on the Kyomu Web System: do not register for the class you are actually attending.

      This procedure is allowed only once in each quarter for only one course.
      For example, once you get a credit for LAJ.C601 in 1Q, you cannot get another credit for the same LAJ.C601 again in 1Q of any later years.
  10. Priority rules
    Status Priority Credits
    Graduate (master/doctoral) students *** OK (See conditions below)
    Exchange students ** Depends on the type of program
    (See conditions below)
    Research students * NO
    Visitor researchers and visiting fellows
    * -
    Conditions for obtaining credits:
    1) Credit registration on the KYOMU Web System
    2) Successful completion (both attendance and test score)
    • * Graduate (master/doctoral) students are most prioritized, and can obtain credits.
    • * Exchange students are prioritized next.
    • * Research students / visitor researchers / visiting fellows will automatically be put on the waiting list at first. If the class is not full, an approval notice will be sent to you before the class starting date.

  • Cancel your reservation on “JCOS” as soon as possible.
    Login to "JCOS", check “Reset all" (or click the checked box to the left to deselect), and then press “Submit". It will give a chance to other willing students on the waiting list.
  • Cancel your class registration on the “KYOMU Web System" at the same time. You have to cancel the class during the registration period of the KYOMU Web System.

Nihongo Space is held on Wednesday and Thursday (12:40-14:00), offering you an oppotunity to brush up your Japanese skills.

->Click here to find more information about Nihongo Space!

(Finished for this semester)

Consultation hours are held at the beginning of each semester (April and October), and international students can get direct advice from professors of Japanese section.
This kind of consultation must be very helpful especially for new students to choose the most suitable class for them.

Consultation for current students : Apr. 2 (Tue) @12:30~13:30

Current students are encourated to take this opportunity to ask questions (including request for level change) regarding Japanese courses in the next semester.
Besides, you can also come to this consultation if you are feeling any anxiety in starting a new semester (e.g. enrollment to doctoral program etc.).
  • No reservation required, just drop by at the Student Lounge of West Bldg.1.

Consultation week for all students: Apr. 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15 @12:30~13:30 for all schedules
  • No reservation required, just drop by at International Student Lounge of West Bldg.1.
  • As for Suzukakedai campus, we will hold face-to-face consultation on Apr. 9 (Tue) @12:30~13:30 at G1-116.

Online consultation: Application link will open on Apr. 3
  • Online consultation is also available.
  • You need to make a reservation for online consultation.

(Finished for this semester)

Congratulations to all new students on your enrollment at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Do you have any questions about your new life in Japan, Tokyo Tech, research, classes, Japanese language study, etc. that you would like to hear from faculty members or senior students?
At the Orientation for new students and Welcome Coffee Hours, you can chat with Japanese Language Partners and other senior international students, learn about international exchange groups, and discuss Japanese language study with your Japanese teachers. Registration information for Japanese language courses will also be provided.
You are welcome to enter or leave at any time during the session. Let's chat casually with everyone. Please come and join us.

Date/Time: Apr. 3 (Wed)

** Orientation and consultation hours for exchange students will be held @12:30-13:30 on Apr. 5 (Fri) at International Students Lounge of West Bldg. 1.
Inquiry: Nihongo Space / nihongospace♯js.ila.titech.ac.jp (please change # to @ when you email)

(Finished for this semester)

We will hold a book sale on Ookayama campus as follows:
  • Date and time: Apr. 15 (Mon), @10:00-16:00
  • - 10% discount (plus 10% consumption tax)
  • Venue: Room #123 of West Bldg.1 on Ookayama campus